

Supporting Members

JSE, with approximately 600 members from various fields today, we have been holding the Annual Meeting every year since 2007 as a part of our activities to encourage young researchers to promote the epigenetics research. The epigenetics study gradually become more and more important in the life science and medical fields. It is to understand the basic molecular mechanisms of biological phenomena, such as development, regeneration, genetic, aging and disease, through genetic information by epigenome. Therefore it is a new academic field to emerge the drug discovery, life resources and sequence technologies to start with.

If you agree with our concepts, we'd appreciate for your decision to be a supporting member.

Membership benefits

The name and logo of the company will be posted on our website with the link.

The recruiting information will be posted on our website.

The company name and URLwill be printed in our newsletter or flyer.

Procedure to be a member

  • 01

    Apply via online form

  • 02

    Approval by JSE

  • 03

    Notification of results

  • 04

    Payment of the Membership fee

  • 05

    Confirmation of your payment

  • 06

    Officially a member of JSE

Requirements for membership

To be a JSE member, recommendation is required from a JSE committee member or 2 of the JSE members who's been members for more than 3 years.

Japanese Society for Epigenetics

Application form (Word)

Membership Fee

Annual Membership Fee

10,000 yen / unit (Any number of units are welcome)
We'd appreciate if could offer 2-3 units for our furthure activities and to enrich our website.

How to make a payment

After you are approved as a JSE member, please make a payment to the account below.

*From Yucho Bank
Payee: The Japanese Society for Epigenetics
Account Type: Savings account
Account Number: 10890-7649561
Name of the Bank: Yucho Bank
*From the bank other than Yucho Bank
Payee: The Japanese Society for Epigenetics
Account Type: Savings account
Account Number: 0764956
Name of the branch: 0八八店(ゼロハチハチ店)
Branch Code: 088
Bank Code: 9900
Name of the Bank: Yucho Bank

Membership period

We accept new member anytime of the year. The membership is valid for 1 year from January (to December) regardless of when you start.

Application for membership

Application for Supporting members▾

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